Acupuncture is effective in a wide range of painful conditions and is commonly used to treat musculoskeletal pain; eg back, shoulder, neck and leg pain.
It has been successfully used to treat headaches, migraines, trapped nerves, chronic muscle strains and various kinds of rheumatic and arthritic pain.
Some other situations in which acupuncture might be used.
Functional bowel or bladder problems such as IBS or irritable bladder, and even mild forms of urinary incontinence
Allergies such as hayfever, perennial allergic rhinitis, and some types of allergic rashes such as urticaria or prickly heat
Some other skin problems such as discrete rashes and ulcers, pruritus (itching), and some forms of dermatitis
Sinus problems and chronic catarrh
Dry mouth and eyes
Stopping smoking
Menstrual and menopausal symptoms.
This is not a complete list and many other conditions have been treated with acupuncture.
It has been successfully used to treat headaches, migraines, trapped nerves, chronic muscle strains and various kinds of rheumatic and arthritic pain.
Some other situations in which acupuncture might be used.
Functional bowel or bladder problems such as IBS or irritable bladder, and even mild forms of urinary incontinence
Allergies such as hayfever, perennial allergic rhinitis, and some types of allergic rashes such as urticaria or prickly heat
Some other skin problems such as discrete rashes and ulcers, pruritus (itching), and some forms of dermatitis
Sinus problems and chronic catarrh
Dry mouth and eyes
Stopping smoking
Menstrual and menopausal symptoms.
This is not a complete list and many other conditions have been treated with acupuncture.
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