earn mony

earn mony


                                   Gingili and Lime Oil:

                                                               500 gms Gingili oil

                                                  Juice of 1 Lime

                                                 Heat the oil in a pan till it froths. Remove.

                                                 Strain the limejuice and add gradually to the hot oil.

                                                  Strain when it is cool and use.

Coconut and Bottle Gourd Oil:

                                                        250 gms Coconut oil

                                                        250 gms Bottle Gourd ( Ghia, Doodhi)

                                                                                Grate the gourd with the peel. Blend in a liquidizer and strain well to extract juice. Heat the Coconut oil in a pan. Gradually add the vegetable juice. Boil till all the water evaporates. Cool and bottle.

Pepper With Coconut Oil:

1 cup Coconut oil

1 tspn rice grains

1 tspn Peppercorns

Heat everything together. When rice grains turn brown, remove and cool.

Warm the oil before use.

Gingili and Castor Oil:

1 cup Gingili oil

1 cup Castor oil

1 Sprig Curry leaves

Heat all three together. Cool and strain. Warm the oil before use.

How to Make Face Mask using Yogurt

Yogurt, honey and lemon juice can work wonders with your facial skin. Yogurt helps to moisturise the skin. In this video you will find how to prepare face mask using yogurt, honey and lemon juice. If the ingredients shown in this video do not suit your skin, avoid using this face mask.

                                 Home Made Face Packs for Glowing Skin

"Home made face masks can work wonders with skin and give you flawless and glowing skin. Home made face masks can suit any type of skin. In this article you will find home made face masks for normal skin


Down the ages, pakistani women have used simple, effective home-made remedies to look after their skin.

Skin Cleanser:
Found in your own kitchen is a simple, chemical free cleanser  good unboiled milk.
                                                    All you need to do is dip a piece of cotton wool in milk and wipe your face with it. It also cleans unseen dirt and goes down into your pores. Another fine cleanser is almond oil, especially effective in protecting the delicate skin under the eyes.

Skin Moisturizer:

                        For normal skin care, you can take 1 cup of yogurt, 1 tablespoon orange juice and 1 tablespoon lemon juice and mix it into a paste. Apply it on your face as a mask and keep it on for 15 minutes. Then clean it off with a wet tissue watch your complexion glow. For dry skin, you could use a mixture of cooked oatmeal and honey; it will not only help moisturize the skin but also acts as a good cleansing agent.

Wrinkle Prevention and Softer Skin:

                                             To prevent wrinkles and soften your skin, you could try pure castor oil; it is known to slow down the aging process of the skin.

Skin Conditioner:

                         Another simple and excellent skin conditioner that can be made out of 1 tbsp. honey blended with 2 tbsp. cream (of milk). Leave it on for a few minutes and wash it off. It works like magic.

Skin Blemishes:

                       For skin blemishes, you can try rubbing a raw potato on your face.