Chinese medicine sees our body as a reflection of this universe and sees the material world as consisting of the five elements of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. In the human body, each organ is attributed to one of these five elements. Each of the five elements has a supporting and controlling relationship with each other. Chinese medicine also treats the human body as a network system. This network system is constructed of 12 major meridians or channels that connect directly to 365 major acupuncture points.
Because Chinese medicine physiology is based on a type of theory that is totally different from Western medicine, it stands to reason that the health indexes based on Chinese medicine are also completely difference from Western medicine.
I will give you an example. If a person is always feeling chilled along with cold hands and feet, the diagnosis from Chinese medicine would likely be Heart Yang deficiency. The Heart has the fire attribute in the five elements system. It is like the sunshine that warms our body. Yang energy represents functional energy. Without enough functional Yang energy, the heart cannot carry its normal function to pump out blood with enough pressure, speed, and temperature. The result of this is poor circulation in our body. The body extremities will be cold because the heart is lacking of functional energy and it cannot do its job. Thus, it is easier for the body to accumulate garbage and become susceptible to tumor growths for people with this type of physical constitution.
If this same person goes to a Western doctor due to chronic fatigue syndrome and frequent urination, but gets “normal” lab test numbers and examination from the doctor, the doctor would tell that person that his/her physical health is fine. However, if this person sees an authentic Chinese medicine physician, he/she would definitely know what is going on with this person's health and can even foresee what physical conditions may manifest in the future. The healer will then tune up this person with acupuncture, herbal medicine, or some other healing modality. This will prevent these physical symptoms from manifesting into a serious disease.
Because Chinese medicine physiology is based on a type of theory that is totally different from Western medicine, it stands to reason that the health indexes based on Chinese medicine are also completely difference from Western medicine.
I will give you an example. If a person is always feeling chilled along with cold hands and feet, the diagnosis from Chinese medicine would likely be Heart Yang deficiency. The Heart has the fire attribute in the five elements system. It is like the sunshine that warms our body. Yang energy represents functional energy. Without enough functional Yang energy, the heart cannot carry its normal function to pump out blood with enough pressure, speed, and temperature. The result of this is poor circulation in our body. The body extremities will be cold because the heart is lacking of functional energy and it cannot do its job. Thus, it is easier for the body to accumulate garbage and become susceptible to tumor growths for people with this type of physical constitution.
If this same person goes to a Western doctor due to chronic fatigue syndrome and frequent urination, but gets “normal” lab test numbers and examination from the doctor, the doctor would tell that person that his/her physical health is fine. However, if this person sees an authentic Chinese medicine physician, he/she would definitely know what is going on with this person's health and can even foresee what physical conditions may manifest in the future. The healer will then tune up this person with acupuncture, herbal medicine, or some other healing modality. This will prevent these physical symptoms from manifesting into a serious disease.